Ten Things Boomers and Millennials Hate About Gen Z

Every generation comes with its own set of quirks, trends, and behaviors that both define and sometimes irk the previous generations. Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is no exception.

While they are celebrated for their tech-savviness and social awareness, there are aspects of their culture and behavior that some individuals find challenging. Here are some of the common points of contention people have with Generation Z:

1. TikTok Trends:

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The rapid rise of social media platforms like TikTok has introduced a new era of bizarre trends, leaving some scratching their heads at the popularity of challenges that seem trivial or even ridiculous.

2. Virtual Immersion and Unhealthy Behaviors:

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The heavy reliance on virtual spaces and social media can lead to negative behaviors such as social comparison, anxiety, and a distorted sense of reality due to the curated nature of online personas.

3. Communication Skills:

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The prevalence of digital communication has been linked to a decline in face-to-face interaction skills, leading to concerns about effective communication in professional and personal settings.

Read More: These Are All Things Boomers Do That Millennials Find Cringeworthy- Which Ones Are the Worst?

4. Obsession with Gender and Sexuality:

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While the push for inclusivity and acceptance is admirable, some find the constant discourse around gender and sexuality overwhelming or even tiresome.

5. Vaping:

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The popularity of vaping among Gen Z has raised concerns about its health implications and the potential normalization of harmful habits.

6. Low Voter Turnout:

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Critics often highlight the need for higher voter turnout among Gen Z, emphasizing the importance of active participation in shaping their own future.

Also Read: Generational Stereotypes Debunked: 15 Things Boomers, Millennials, and Gen Zers Actually Agree On

7. Sensitivity:

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Critics argue that Gen Z’s tendency to react sensitively to minor inconveniences might lead to emotional fragility and an inability to cope with challenges.

8. Puritanical Moralizing:

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Some individuals find fault with what they perceive as an extreme adherence to certain values, leading to a culture of shaming and intolerance towards those who hold differing viewpoints.

9. Validation Through Others:

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The constant seeking of validation through social media likes, comments, and shares is seen as a potential source of anxiety and a reliance on external validation.

10. Influencer Culture:

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The rise of influencers has sparked debates about authenticity and the blurred line between reality and the curated online personas presented by social media stars.

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